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The Moon-Eyed People

Who were the Moon-Eyed People? Were they real, or were they the stuff of legend?

Fort Mountain State Park in Georgia has a mysterious stone wall at the top (some say a stone serpent). The wall is located on the summit of Fort Mountain, which rises to about 2,850 feet. The wall stretches approximately 885 feet long, with a height ranging from 2 to 6 feet and a width of around 4.5 to 9.5 feet. Its construction is irregular, with numerous stone piles and short segments rather than a continuous barrier. It is believed to have been built between 400 AD and 1600 AD.

Among the many legends concerning the origin of the wall, the tale of the Moon-Eyed People stands out as one of the most fascinating and enigmatic. Who were these mysterious beings? Did they really exist, or are they merely a product of folklore and imagination?

Video of our visit to the wall at Fort Mountain, Georgia in 2018.

The Legend of the Moon-Eyed People

The story of the Moon-Eyed People is rooted in Cherokee lore. According to the legend, these were a race of small, pale-skinned people who lived in the Appalachian region before the arrival of the Cherokee. They were said to have large, blue eyes that were extremely sensitive to light, leading them to venture out only under the cover of night. The term “moon-eyed” comes from this nocturnal lifestyle.

The most famous account of the Moon-Eyed People comes from the 16th-century Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. In his chronicles, he reported hearing from the Cherokee about a race of white-skinned people who had built ancient stone structures and were driven away by the Cherokee. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for their existence is the large stone wall atop Fort Mountain, believed by some to have been built by these mysterious people.

Evidence For the Existence of the Moon-Eyed People

Archaeological Findings

  1. Fort Mountain Stone Wall: The wall atop Fort Mountain, stretching over 850 feet, is often cited as a key piece of evidence for the Moon-Eyed People’s existence. Its origins are unclear, and while some archaeologists suggest it was constructed by Native American tribes like the Cherokee, others believe it predates them.
  2. European Features in Cherokee Traditions: The Cherokee’s accounts of the Moon-Eyed People describe them as having pale skin and blue eyes, features commonly associated with Europeans. This has led to speculation that these descriptions might be based on encounters with pre-Columbian visitors from Europe.
  3. Similar Legends in Other Cultures: Similar stories of mysterious, light-sensitive people are found in other Native American cultures, suggesting a widespread oral tradition that might point to a historical basis for the legend.

Historical Accounts

  1. Hernando de Soto’s Chronicles: The accounts of Hernando de Soto lend some credibility to the existence of a pre-Cherokee people. His writings describe hearing from the Cherokee about white-skinned inhabitants who built stone structures, correlating with the Moon-Eyed People legend.
  2. James Mooney’s Documentation: In the late 19th century, ethnologist James Mooney recorded the Cherokee legends of the Moon-Eyed People. His work provides a detailed account of their alleged appearance, lifestyle, and eventual displacement by the Cherokee.

Genetic Evidence

  1. Pre-Columbian European Contact: Some theories suggest the possibility of European contact with Native Americans before Columbus. Genetic studies have occasionally pointed to small traces of European ancestry in ancient American populations, which could potentially support stories like that of the Moon-Eyed People.

Evidence Against the Existence of the Moon-Eyed People

Lack of Concrete Archaeological Proof

  1. Ambiguous Origins of the Fort Mountain Wall: While the wall is intriguing, there is no definitive evidence linking it to the Moon-Eyed People. Many archaeologists believe it was built by Native Americans for ceremonial or defensive purposes, rather than by a mysterious pre-Cherokee race.
  2. No Physical Remains: Despite the legends, no skeletal remains or artifacts directly associated with the Moon-Eyed People have been discovered. The lack of physical evidence makes it difficult to substantiate their existence.

Mythological Elements

  1. Folkloric Nature: The characteristics of the Moon-Eyed People—such as their nocturnal habits and light-sensitive eyes—are more consistent with mythological beings than with historical populations. These traits could easily be exaggerations or symbolic representations rather than descriptions of real people.
  2. Story Evolution: Legends often evolve over time, incorporating elements from different cultures and time periods. The story of the Moon-Eyed People could have been embellished over centuries, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Scholarly Skepticism

  1. Ethnographic Interpretations: Many scholars argue that the Moon-Eyed People legend is more likely a metaphorical or symbolic tale rather than a literal account. The description of a light-sensitive, nocturnal people might represent an allegory for cultural or historical transitions rather than a distinct race.
  2. Alternative Explanations: The legend could also be a way for the Cherokee to explain the presence of ancient structures they encountered, attributing them to a previous, mysterious group rather than recognizing them as part of their own heritage or that of neighboring tribes.

The Continuing Mystery

The legend of the Moon-Eyed People remains a captivating part of Appalachian folklore. Whether they were real, myth, or a blend of both, their story adds to the rich tapestry of cultural history in the region. Fort Mountain stands as a testament to the ancient peoples who once roamed the area, and the mystery of the Moon-Eyed People continues to intrigue historians, archaeologists, and storytellers alike.

As with many legends, the truth may never be fully uncovered, but the tale of the Moon-Eyed People serves as a reminder of the deep and often mysterious roots of human civilization. Whether as a symbol of past encounters or a reflection of cultural memory, the Moon-Eyed People will likely continue to be a source of wonder and speculation for generations to come.


Have you visited Fort Mountain? Have you had any of your own encounters with the Moon-Eyed People? Let me know in the comments!

Published inAliensCryptids